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Description: William Dieterle's "THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA" is based on the novel by Heinz Herald and Geza Herczeg. The following are biographical notes on the director and highlights of his career. Born in Germany in 1893, Dieterle begins his career as an actor under the illustrious Max Reinhardt, acting in the top German film and theatre productions. In 1923, he becomes involved in film direction and, in 1930, goes to the USA, where he makes some of his best films over the next 20 years. Under the influence of Reinhardt's expressionism, Dieterle turns to best advantage lighting effects and casts into sharp relief the cast and their stage direction, so that they stand out from the movement of the whole, defining what is usually known as "personality interpretation". In 1934, Dieterle and Reinhardt jointly direct "MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM" and then Dieterle makes only films based on the life of famous people. Despite his German ancestry, the film " THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA" successfully rendered the drama of consciousness that divided and shook France on the occasion of the Dreyfuss scandal (the reference to the term Dreyfusar/Anti-Dreyfusar is of interest here) and demonstrated his masterly direction of the cast. The film was a big box office success.
Provider: Tainiothiki tis Ellados